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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 13 Apr 1961

Vol. 188 No. 3

Imposition of Duties (Confirmation of Orders) Bill, 1961—Report and Final Stages.

Question proposed: "That the Bill be received for final consideration."

Might I inquire from the Minister if periodic reviews are made of duties? Some years ago there was an arrangement whereby duties were reviewed periodically and in that way the rate of duty and the effect of it on particular commodities were kept under constant review, the result being that not merely was the rate of duty considered but the quality and strength of the various articles produced were reviewed from time to time. If such an arrangement is still in operation, can the Minister say how frequently these reviews are carried out and if not, will he consider adopting a scheme under which effective review will be carried out at regular intervals of the rates of duty of the various commodities?

Apparently it was always the intention that these tariffs would be reviewed from time to time, in the first instance by the Prices Body, as it then was, and subsequently by the I.D.A. I understand that, in fact, such review was not carried out. However, as the Deputy knows, latterly we have had, under the trade agreements with Britain, requests from the British Government to have certain blocs of tariffs reviewed. That review has been taking place. The Board of Trade submitted two lists of tariffs, the first of which was undertaken by the I.D.A., and that list having been completed, the second list is now being reviewed by them. I understand a third list has been prepared by the Board of Trade now. While the original intention may not have been carried out, as a result of recent talks between my Department and the Board of Trade, reviews are now taking place.

I take it from what the Minister has just said that these reviews apply to whatever list is submitted.

There is no examination independently of existing tariffs on other goods? This review applies only to lists submitted. There is no independent separate review of all tariffs.

Not at the moment. I should like the Deputy to understand that this is a pretty arduous and onerous task. All aspects of the trade concerned have to be taken into account, not only here but in Britain as well. Those interested are entitled to make their submissions. These submissions have to be heard. As the Deputy appreciates, the task is a lengthy one. It would certainly be difficult to handle a complete review of all tariffs side by side with the reviews I have mentioned.

Question put and agreed to.
Question: "That the Bill do now pass" put and agreed to.

This Bill is a Money Bill within the meaning of Article 22 of the Constitution.
