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Joint Committee on Environment and Climate Action to discuss COP27 with key stakeholders

24 Oct 2022, 16:30

The Joint Committee on Environment and Climate Action will meet tomorrow, Tuesday, 25 October, with key stakeholders for a discussion in advance of COP27, which takes place in Egypt early next month.

The meeting at 11am in Committee Room 3 of Leinster House will be divided into two sessions:

·       11am – Representatives of Oxfam Ireland, Friends of the Earth, Trocáire, Christian Aid Ireland, and Stop Climate Chaos;

·       1pm – Officials from the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications.

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Committee Cathaoirleach Deputy Brian Leddin said: “The 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, called COP27, takes place next month in Egypt and will focus on how the world can implement previously agreed collective action on climate mitigation measures. Ahead of the conference, the Committee is engaging with key stakeholders and the Government on the priorities for Ireland in the discussions.”

The Joint Committee on Environment and Climate Action has 14 Members, nine from the Dáil and five from the Seanad.

The meeting in Committee Room 3 can be viewed live on Oireachtas TV.

Committee proceedings can also be viewed on the Houses of the Oireachtas Smartphone App, available for Apple and Android devices.

Media enquiries

Robert Kennedy-Cochrane
Houses of the Oireachtas
Communications Unit
Leinster House
Dublin 2

+353 (0)1 618 4149
+353 (0) 85 8707436
Twitter: @OireachtasNews
