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Committee on Agriculture and the Marine to hear from Minister Charlie McConalogue to discuss a motion on the Horse and Greyhound Racing Fund, and Hand Sanitiser review, tomorrow

23 Nov 2020, 15:57

The Joint Committee on Agriculture and the Marine will meet tomorrow, Tuesday, when the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD, appears to discuss two separate topics.

Tuesday’s meetings in Committee Room 4, watch here,  will be split into two sessions with the Minister, as a motion on the Horse and Greyhound Racing Fund, and the process relating to the ViraPro hand sanitiser are discussed.

From 4pm the Minister will appear for a discussion regarding a motion on the Horse and Greyhound Racing Fund Regulations 2020, and from 5pm the process related to ViraPro Hand Sanitiser will come before the committee.

Ahead of the meeting, Chair Jackie Cahill, TD, said: “It is clear that the removal of ViraPro from health facilities and schools caused much alarm, and any insight from the Minister regarding the decision, and the process which led to it, will be of significant interest to many, especially those who are part of the school community, whether it be staff, students or parents. The Department are also in the midst of a review regarding the matter, and we look forward to the conclusion of the investigation when findings are published.

Chair Cahill added: “In addition, the appearance of Minister McConalogue for the consideration by the Joint Committee on Agriculture and the Marine of  the Horse and Greyhound Racing Fund Regulations, is something which occurs annually, and follows on from its referral from the Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann recently. In due course the Joint Committee will revert to both houses.”

For more information about the work of the Committee on Agriculture and the Marine, see the Committee webpage

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