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Chair of the Education & Skills Committee welcomes ASTI decision to suspend action

9 Samh 2016, 16:23

9 November 2016

The Chair of the Joint Committee on Education and Skills, Fiona O’Loughlin TD, today welcomed the decision of the ASTI to suspend industrial action, pursuant to a conciliation process.

Speaking today, Deputy O’Loughlin said “This decision, which allowed students and teachers to return to the classroom today, is welcomed by the Committee. As part of our last meeting, Members had expressed a desire to bring all of the relevant parties into the Joint Committee to consider the industrial relations issues which, in turn, led to school closures.”

“Both the Department and ASTI asked for the meeting to be deferred as negotiations were at a critical stage. I took the decision as Chair to postpone the meeting in order to allow negotiations continue in private, at a crucial and sensitive stage. The Committee wish all sides well in the conciliation process.\"

